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Sunset Romance

There is Hope for Your Marriage


Have you lost the sense of closeness you once had?

Do you feel frustrated, or hurt and angry?

Have you stopped talking or does talking just make it worse?

Has the romance in your marriage turned to bitterness?

Have you even thought of separation or divorce?


This does NOT have to be the end of your marriage!

Love, Trust and Intimacy CAN be restored!

Weekend Program October 18 - 20 2024 - click for more info

Contact Us

A Lifeline for Marriages

Has your marriage become unloving, uncaring, or cold and distant? Is there little or no meaningful communication between you and your spouse? Have you reached the point where you feel disappointed or disillusioned about your relationship? Are you even thinking about separation -- or divorce?


You are not alone! Thousands of couples have repaired their marriages with the help of the Retrouvaille program. Presented by volunteer couples like you who have experienced their own marriage recovery through Retrouvaille, this program is an accessible, affordable, effective option for marriage problems of all kinds

If you are searching for help, let Retrouvaille be your lifeline! The Retrouvaille program teaches a set of communication skills that will help you put the past in the past and rediscover romance with your spouse in a new and positive way.

Loving Couple

​Don't Live in Misery!


Make the Time for Your Marriage and the Rest of Your Life!

Talk to your spouse today about Retrouvaille! 

All it takes is a desire for things to be better and a willingess to try.


Obstacles like a lack of forgiveness, trust, commitment, and love are NOT insurmountable and are all covered in depth in the program. 

See what other couples have to say: 


Call us:

604 530 6710

Mailing address: 

5824 Heron Place

Sechelt BC

V7Z 0R3

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